Heads Up! For this blazer with disintegrating trim

Brand Name: Express Design Studio

The garment: A ladies black sport jacket made of polyester,   geneva cleaners
rayon & elastane with synthetic leather (polyurethane blend)
lapels. The care label simply reads, Dry Clean Only. There are no
International Cleanability Code care symbols.

The problem: After professional drycleaning the bonding agent
used to adhere the urethane film to the trim base fabric partially
dissolved causing the urethane surface film on the lapels to
separate, blister and peel.
Whos responsible? The manufacturer, since this jacket is    geneva cleaners
labeled as drycleanable and thus must be able to withstand the
recommended professional cleaning process without damage to
any component.
What to do: This jacket should be returned to the place of
purchase or contact the manufacturer

RN#: 55285
Express LLC
1 Express Drive
Columbus, OH 43230
Ph. 614-474-4207 or 1-800-474-8844